Join us for the PNWR/CWR Multi-Region Women's Tour on Saturday, June 8th
Registration opens on Wed, May 1st at Noon. Register early by clicking the "Register Here" box to avoid being placed on the waiting list or not being able to register if the tour sells out early!
PCA Canada West Region Porsche Club is hosting the Second Annual Ladies tour. PNWR will be joining up with our CWA neighbors in Canada this year for a beautiful tour and end with delicious lunch. Next year we will host again.
Tour leaders from both regions Nancy Mao, Tracy Maine, Stella Tang from Canada West Region along with Pamela Mildenberger and Pat Pedigo from PNWR have planned what we expect to be a wonderful and fun get together to meet our Porsche driving ladies from across the border.
Full details are on
Starting point is
Haggen Grocery
757 Haggen Dr, Burlington WA 98233<
Arrive between 8:00-8:20 AM
Driver's meeting at 8:30 AM
First group departs at 9:00 AM, followed by other groups with 10 minutes spacing each.
Lunch at
GreenTee Country Club
7887 264 St Langley Twp>
BC Canada
Directions to start point
From I-5 take exit 230 from WA-20 toward Burlington/Anacortes. Use the right lane onto WA 20 E/Avon Cutoff Turn Right toward Haggen Drive. Turn Right onto Haggen Drive.
Opens: Wed, May 1st at Noon
Closes: Friday, May 24th at Noon unless the tour sells out early--max of 25 cars/50 people
Please contact the Tour Leader,
Pamela Mildenberger