PCA Events
At the national level, PCA offers a wide variety of events that are open to all PCA members. These events cross a wide variety of interests, and the location may vary for many to allow for participation from across the USA and Canada.
The premier PCA event is the Porsche Parade, the annual gathering of the members from all regions for a week of Porsche club activities, tours, socials, dinners, banquets and a whole lot more. This family-friendly event is a big deal for the club and is set at a different location each year.
Previous locations include Boca Raton, Florida; French Lick, Indiana; Palm Springs, CA; Keystone Colorado; and the Poconos, Pennsylvania, to name a few. The 2025 Parade is being held in Oklahoma City, OK. Detailed information and registration can be found at www.PorscheParade.org.
PCA organizes & hosts a number of incredible events including...
Werks Reunion | Tech Tactics | Treffen | UnStock | Treffen at Sea | PCA Headquarters Open House
See an overview of these in the PCA Events listing on this page and visit each event for detailed information and how to register.
National programs that have events around the country or virtually include Driver Education, Sim Racing, Autocross & Club Racing.
PCA's regions are grouped geographically into 14 zones. PNWR is in Zone 6, which includes our neighboring regions:
Zone 6 Regions
BC Interior
Canada West
Greater Columbia
High Desert
Inland Northwest
Olympic Peninsula
Pacific Northwest
Silver Sage
Vancouver Island
Go to Zone6.PCA.org to find out more about our zone, its regions and events.
The 148 regions that make up the Porsche Club of America also host a wide range of events. PCA's website has a listing where you can also see a number of events hosted at the region level, go to www.pca.org/events. To find out about each region and their activities, go to the region directory and browse the regions and visit their websites.