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Regional Membership

The Porsche Club of America (PCA) was established in 1955 and has grown into the largest single marque car club in the world! Porsche Club members are a fantastic group of people. They are friendly, knowledgeable, love to drive and are enthusiastic about all things Porsche. The informal motto is - you come for the cars and stay for the people!

You must first be a member of PCA before you can join our region.

The Pacific NW Region (PNWR) was started in 1959 and currently has a little over 2700 primary members. With associate and family members, our count is well over 4000 people. Our amazing regional group of volunteers organize more than 100 events a year.  Enhancing your enjoyment of your Porsche, we offer a wide variety of events and activities, many have over 100 cars join in. 

Our activities include Social events, such as monthly breakfasts and dinners; our more formal annual winter celebration; cars & coffee at local venues; summer afternoon meet-ups at local brew pubs with music, food trucks and event t-shirts; casual lunch & show 'n shine at the old Triple-X Root Beer Drive-In; our Annual Picnic - to name a few.  

Most popular are our Tours, the pacific northwest has some amazing twisty, curvy roads that go through open fields, mountain passes, past Puget Sound and ocean views. Tours run through all seasons and also include day trips, weekend destination, overland camping trips and even gimmick rallies. That leads us to Concours, think of it as an elevated car show that detailed precision and judging to exacting standards. We offer a judge's class so you can be on the other side of the scoresheet. 


Events at the track include Autocross, Driver Skills, Driver Education and Sim Racing. These focused and fun activities drill in to really hone your driving performance. Our Tech Sessions are to none! We've hosted some true racing legends such as Hurley Haywood, Patrick Long, Brian Redmond and Vic Elford for our once-in-a-lifetime events. Private tours of extraordinary car collections, technical education by local shops on a wide variety of topics. Many events are also Charity fundraisers, with a focus on car-related scholarships and local charities.

PNWR membership gets you access to many member-only opportunities. Our regional newsletter, the Spiel, is available online, with a print version mailed to you. Member emails let you know the upcoming activities and club news. Club members each have their own account profile where you can upload a picture, place a classified ad - you even get your own photo gallery.

On this website, members can pay dues, view the current issue of the Spiel, purchase member-only region logo merchandise such as hats, car badges, jackets, sweatshirts, and order a name badge, sign up for events and much more. We encourage you to volunteer to get more involved by joining a committee or being on the board of directors.

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Porsche Club of America

PNWR is a region in Zone 6 of the Porsche Club of America. With 148 regions, 14 zones and over 155,000 members, PCA is the largest single-marque car club in the world. Members join at the national level first, then select the region they wish to participate in. Fueled by volunteers! 

To find out more, visit PCA or Zone 6

Join PCA | PCA Events | PCA Calendar

Don't own a Porsche yet? PCA Test Drive might be for you!
PCA Test Drive

It's not just about cars... and it's not just about grown-ups. PCA is about the kids too!  Check out PCA's program for those under age 18.
PCA Juniors

Join PCA

To join PCA, you must be a Porsche owner. PCA membership dues are $56 per year (subject to change).  If you are in the process of purchasing or searching for a Porsche to buy, you can check out the PCA Test Drive program, which is a six-month provisional membership available at the PCA website.


If you are ready to join PCA, these are the steps:

  • Have the VIN for your car handy
  • Go to
  • Select the Join PCA text and follow the instructions.
  • Complete the membership form and add an affiliate member (no extra cost)
  • Current national dues are just $56 per year* 

Setup your PNWR Account

Shortly after you join PCA, the membership chair for the Pacific NW Region will be notified that we have a new member! We will enter your information into our club management system. You will then receive a Welcome email with a bit of information about the club along with a temporary username and password for the regional club. This is a separate system from PCA's national system.

First time you log in, you will be asked to:

  • Change your password
  • Create a new username (email address works well) 
  • Pay your annual regional membership dues ($20 per year)

Upon paying regional dues, you will receive a confirmation notice. Your regional dues includes a print version of the Spiel mailed to your home address, allows you to vote for regional board of directors, hold a chair or board position as well as having your account setup so you can sign up online for club events. 

You can also setup your profile, add information about your car(s), select areas of interests, find out about the various club activities, receive email blasts about upcoming events & announcements. We also invite you to join our Facebook group and follow us on our Facebook page. 

Our monthly board meetings are open to all members. We have a new member's day in the spring, and social events are an especially good way to get to know other club members. All events are open to all members but check out the details for events as some have specific requirements such as helmets for track events. 

The publications that members receive monthly, the PCA's "Panorama" and PNWR's newsletter "Spiel", are easily worth more than the annual cost of membership.

We hope you will join today!  If you should have any questions, please use our form at the bottom of the Contact Us page and select to have it sent to Membership Chair. 

 *Subject to change, check PCA for current cost.  

About Us
  Club Info

Let's Get Together

At the Track
  Driver Skills
  Driver Ed
  Sim Racing

In the Garage
  Tech Sessions

  Goodie Store
  Classified Ads


  PCA Events



Contact Us
Pacific NW Region
Porsche Club of America
P.O. Box 24241
Seattle, WA 98124